Le label Handinamique récompense les entreprises, écoles et associations engagées pour l’inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap, en valorisant leurs actions pour l’accessibilité et l’égalité des chances.

The new event at the GEM Altigliss Challenge

Although the GEM Altigliss Challenge is a sporting and student event for skiing enthusiasts, the Altigliss association does not forget to highlight values dear to its heart.

Last year, the HandiGliss team has decided to take over the Trophée des Valeurs event to completely overhaul it and rework it to give it a more youthful and attractive form. It is in this perspective that the association takes on the challenge of being an event ever closer to environmental respect, with an ecological conscience both during the event week and during its preparation throughout the preceding year.

The challenge for the 24th edition of the GEM Altigliss Challenge is to continue in the efforts made in previous years, while innovating to highlight these contemporary values. The HandiGliss event aims to raise awareness of parasport and promote sustainable development. Raising awareness through actions, such is our motto. This brand-new event will be a competition between students and professional handi-athletes aiming to prove that disability is not a hindrance to athletic performance.

ATHLETES of the 1st Edition


Médaille d’or sur le général de la coupe de France handisport en 2022,  2 fois 2ème en slalom FIS 2023 en Autriche, elle marque le palmarès mondial malgré son handicap moteur.


En 2018, il est amputé du genou gauche après un accident. Passionné de snowboard, il décide de poursuivre sa carrière dans le handisnow et obtient la 11ème place au baked slalom des Jeux Paralympiques de 2022. Il est classé 3ème mondial en handisnow.

For the XXIV edition of the GEM Altigliss Challenge, Handigliss offers participants:

A timed event on a giant slalom, pitting our student participants against top athletes in para-skiing and para-alpine snowboarding: a perfect opportunity for our participants to challenge professional athletes while experiencing inclusivity! Céline DEROUALLIERE and Mathias MENENDEZ have agreed to take part in this challenge.

An event in the GEM Altigliss Challenge village after the competition focusing on environmental and adaptive sports themes, featuring fruity snack. Participants will have the chance to meet the athletes they competed against, as well as the partners who supported the Trophy of Values redesign and development, along with the association's more responsible initiatives.


CONTACT handigliss

tom Douheret 

Event Manager Handigliss
